Facts You Should Know About Your Favorite Decaf

Among the different beverages that we have today, coffee has been one of the oldest. Today, many people have become avid coffee drinkers, and love starting their day with a piping hot cup. But excessive consumption can disrupt your sleep cycle, making you restless. In addition to that, it can also lead to health issues, like headaches, nausea, anxiety, and more. Caffeine intake involves both benefits and disadvantages. That is why coffee lovers prefer maintaining a balance by replacing regular coffee with decaf. You can find rich flavors for decaf coffee in Baltimore, MD.

What is decaf?

The Coffea arabica plant provides coffee beans which are then decaffeinated. Decaf is a type of coffee that contains a lower quantity of caffeine than a regular one.

Although the decaffeination process helps in eliminating up to 97 percent of the caffeine from the beans, about 0.01-0.1% amount might still remain in the decaf coffee.


Many people believe that decaffeinated coffee comes from the plantation of some genetically-modified plants that yield special decaf beans. But in reality, that is not true. To the surprise of some people, the beans of decaf coffee come from the regular coffee bushes themselves. For instance, you can find one of the finest coffee imports in Baltimore, MD, for decaf beans. The only difference is that these go through the decaffeination process, which lowers the quantity of coffee.

Decaffeination does not always mean chemical solvents

The process of decaffeination refers to reducing the levels of caffeine from coffee beans. Earlier, benzene was used for the process as it was a cheap solvent. And as it is a toxic chemical, it showed adverse effects. People became ill or lost their lives due to the consumption of such decaf coffee.

However, over time, the Swiss started using another method that was improved, effective, and safer than the chemical solvent. With the help of osmosis, they retrieve the caffeine elements by heating the beans in hot water. Keffa coffee provides washed decaf coffee in Baltimore.

Decaf is different from caffeine-free beverages

Decaf coffee is one that undergoes a process wherein most of its caffeine elements are extracted and removed, leaving only a minimal percentage of caffeine quantity. It still has the flavor of coffee in it. On the other hand, caffeine-free coffee means the beverage does not contain any ingredient of caffeine. Decaf and caffeine-free are two separate terms.

Cutting your intake of regular coffee by switching to decaf coffee can be a good decision. This coffee offers several health benefits and is an excellent choice for a caffeine beverage.

Are you looking for the best decaf? You can find the finest and most delicious decaf coffee in Baltimore, MD, at Keffa Coffee. They are a reliable coffee importer in Baltimore, MD. Call them at 877.213.8565 to learn more.

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